Saturday, November 20, 2010

Module 10

The video 'Wikis in Plain English' taught me a great deal about the meaning of 'Wiki' and how it can be of use as a tool in the classroom and beyond. In a way it is quite similar to the tool Google Docs which was reviewed in Module 3.
A Wiki is a website or similar online resource which allows users to add and edit content collectively.
A Wiki can also allowthe user to change information, varying it without agreeing to the change with the author/administrator of the written piece. Wikipedia seems to be the first port of call for the majority of students when seeking a definition or information related to a research topic. This is fine, as long as  they are aware that it is better to obtain a cross section of information from a variety of sources as wikipedia can be an unreliable resouce at times.
A Ning is a platform for creating your own social network (wikipedia definition). Using Ning, this network can be used for anything or anyone. Give the network a name then choose any of its features such as videos, photos, forums, events, etc to get you going. These options are continue to grow so I have only listed those that are relevant and the most popular. Once you have done this you will be able to customize your social network's look/appearance and then launch it. Those who join your network are then able to have a page that they can customize/change. They will then be able to communicate each other.
For students, once the teacher has set up a Ning, he/she can control who can become a member or friend. They then create an interactive webpage which can be used together by the class. A variety of notes, relevant to the students, are posted online for students to read on any computer. The teacer has total control of the site and who can take part in it.

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